Phil and Grace...sounds like the name of a TV show, right?...got married at the Island Chateau on Staten Island last Saturday evening. The phrase from their wedding invitation..."enough love for a lifetime"...was used throughout the ceremony. And it truly fit this couple who had so many family and friends that the ceremony room seemed to be overflowing...like their love.
All of us were touched to watch Phil's family light a memorial candle in memory of his mother and sister. And it was heartwarming to hear Grace's son do a reading.
Later in the ceremony, Grace and Phil presented her son with a medal that he can have as a reminder of the day. The medallion depicted three intertwined circles...that of Phil and Grace - and her son. If you do an internet search on "wedding family medallion," you can find several options to buy such a keepsake.
Wedding Ceremony Tip: Check with your photographer and videographer about how they will get the shots you want during the ceremony. Also check with them on where they will be located during the ceremony and how much space they will need for equipment. I found it distracting to have the video equipment...well, just in the way. It think it also got to Grace at one point too. Talking through the ceremony staging with your photographer ahead of time can help you be undisturbed by what they do during the ceremony...which is as it should be.
Julie Laudicina, Celebrant!