Saturday, April 23, 2011

Spring Wedding Ceremony

Today I officiated at a lovely wedding ceremony for Fred and Adrienne, who wanted their ceremony to be heartfelt and meaningful to them. They read carefully selected poems to each other and exchanged vows & rings. As I announced they were now husband and wife, their family and friends started blowing bubbles. Quite a festive way to begin their marriage!

The folks at Celebrate at Snug Harbor were flexible with the rainy weather as they moved the ceremony from the Tuscan Garden to cosy and ceremonial interior space. I am sure the couple were disappointed to not get married in the garden, but I was reminded of something my mother-in-law often said..."It is good luck if it rains on your wedding day."

Ceremony Tip: The most difficult moment of the day for the wedding officiant is getting everyone lined up to launch the procession. The wedding party today was quite attentive to me durig the critical pre-ceremony monents. When I placed them in a line - they stayed there. If you don't have a rehearsal, be sure to tell your wedding party what you expect of them during the ceremony, how the ceremony will be staged, where they will stand, and what will be happening during the ceremony. The more they know, the more they will do just what you want them to do.

This wedding kicks off "wedding season" for me in 2011. It's been nearly four months since my last wedding, and I've missed officiating at ceremonies, meeting new people, and doing the creative things I get to do in this work.

So I toast Fred and Adrienne...may the sun shine on all their days together!

Julie Laudicina, Celebrant!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Meet the New Celebrants!

Last evening it was my priviledge to ordain the newest wedding celebrants in the NY/NJ/CT/PA area...soon to graduate from Celebrant Foundation and Institute.

The ordination ceremony, under the aegis of The Universal Brotherhood Movement, Inc., was solemn and happy, humorous and tearful, and, most of all - meaningful on many levels.

Each candidate for ordination spoke about their hopes and vision for their emerging wedding celebrant practice and ministry. As they spoke, they placed an object on the ceremonial object representing the inspiration for their new work. There was a mother's necklace, a special tea, a heart-shaped box, a treasured fleur-de-lis piece of name a few.

For me it was a delight to meet these eight inspiring men and women. Each one of them is prepared to become a couple-focused, human-hearted celebrant. I wish them every success and satisfaction in their new work, and I welcome them into the fellowship of Celebrants.

Many thanks to Charlotte Eulette, the international director of Celebrant Foundation and Institute, for her hospitality and good cheer.

Julie Laudicina, Celebrant!