Friday, May 31, 2013

Promises to Keep

They have been together for ten years, and they have a three year old it was finally time to get married.  Andy and Stacey invited about 25 of their close family and friends to come from the UK to NYC to get married here.  I took this picture as they all posed for a post-ceremony photograph.

Overlooking the East River and the Manhattan skyline during the ceremony, they made their promises...the ones they already made in their hearts.  This time they said their promises out loud and in public...for all to hear.

Like a civil ceremony in the UK, they signed their license during the ceremony.  For anyone coming here for a legal marriage, the NYC City Clerk's Office is at your service.  It takes about 30-60 minutes, depending on how many couples are there on the day you arrive.  Take advantage of the download option for the application...that will save some time.  Also know that there is a 24 hr. waiting period before you can use the license.  So take that into consideration when you make your travel plans.  (...and the City Clerk's Office is not open on weekends or holidays...)


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