In an unusual ceremony gesture, Lauryn moved her engagement ring to her right hand just before she received her wedding ring. This honors her German heritage...and the ring on her right hand is where it will be for the rest of her life. (She broke that finger just a few weeks ago...but the swelling was down enough so she could wear the ring as she planned.)
Their wedding location, F.E.A.S.T at Round Hill was a perfect setting for bringing family together from across the US. A nearby hotel...transportation by bus...and a cozy space for reunion, conversation and partying.
CEREMONY TIP: Lauryn and Brian had a rehearsal without me the day before the ceremony. I provided a rehearsal guide...and they executed it perfectly. All those participating in the ceremony knew where to stand, what do to, how to assist with rings and that the ceremony came together very well on the day. If you are having a rehearsal without your officiant, ask for a guide so that all the necessary elements are covered. It really pays off!
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