The highlight of the ceremony was the duet sung by the bride's cousins. They sang the song you'd know if you are a fan of Andrea Bocelli..."The Prayer." It was a goose-bump-producing moment that set the tone for the serious exchange of vows. This was not an amateur performance...they were pros.
Lisa Marie and Michael made promises to her son as well vows as to each other. (After the ceremony, her 9 year old nephew came to me and asked for a copy of the promises. He wanted his mother and step-father to make those promises to him. Someone was listening!)
Ceremony Tip:
If you are using a theme in the wedding celebration, work with your officiant to get just the right balance between too cutesy and "just right" as you bring in the theme tino your ceremony. I always like to connect the ceremony script with elements of the wedding...colors, words, the venue, etc. It makes all that planning come together. I can even wear something that gives a nod to the this icy blue silk top.
Julie Laudicina, Celebrant!