A major part of their ceremony was the involvement of children...their young sons and a couple other children of friends and family. Children were a charming part of the procession with the infants entering in a decorated small carriage. Some adult assistance was required as these children were quite young...but the image of the children making a ceremonial entrance made everyone smile.
The couple's older son held the rings and gave them to their parents when it came time for them to exchange rings.
Toward the end of the ceremony, Hillary and Vincent did a sand ritual involving both their sons. The ritual's symbolism was the melding of all four of them into a family as the sand from small vessels was poured into a single larger vessel.
The son who is about six years old did a fine job...he's of an age when he could easily follow simple directions. The infant son, held by his mother, had a natural curiosity about what was happening...so he reached for the small vessel of sand that represented him. It was a chance happening...but it was beautiful. He held the vessel with her as that sand was poured into a center "family " vessel. I heard an "Ah!" from the guests.
Julie Laudicina, Celebrant!
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