Monday, April 13, 2009

"love are in you am in i are in we..."

Brightening a gray and rainy day...a wedding at A Taste of Honey at Nansen Park on Staten Island! Paul and Stevie have been together for 19 years. With love and deep respect, they decided to make their commitment legal and to share their celebration with a small circle of family and friends.

The highlight of the ceremony for me was the eloquent, clear, and passionate recitation of e.e. cummings' poem, "the great advantage of being alive," by the bride herself...done from memory. This poem is a long-time favorite of this bride - who is an English teacher.

Ceremony Tip: The documents that make a marriage legal are often signed in private and "backstage" to the events of the wedding celebration. Paul and Stevie opted to make this ritual part of their ceremony. Signing the documents is a way to publicly show that your wedding is indeed legal and serious. Sometimes when either the bride or groom has European roots, ritually signing the documents in public is familiar, and it links the ceremony to family traditions.

Julie Laudicina, Celebrant!

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