Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Finding the Right Partner

During Angela and Phil's wedding ceremony, as the wedding officiant, I told their love story which is about finding the right partner and being the right partner.  Three women relatives had the bright idea that Angela and Phil would be just that for each other...and they were right!

So in the late morning sunshine, Phil and Angela declared their vows in the gazebo at Nicotra's Ballroom on Staten Island.  With their sons, handsome young men, at their side, they included a sand ritual in the ceremony. 

I was intrigued that they purchased an hour glass just for the purpose of the sand ritual.  When the hour glass was filled with three different colored sand, I had them be the first to turn the hour glass over...adding a wish for them that the sands of time would flow more slowly on their wedding day so they could savor each moment.

Julie Laudicina, Celebrant!

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